Friendly Elder Law & Estate Planning Services

Up and Personal with Telelaw

By Holland McBurns, Managing Partner, Evergreen Elder Law

Remember not so long ago when “up and personal” meant a hug or handshake? When getting together didn’t require a mask? When sitting in my office care meant we could sit at a table together and not worry about our health and passing germs?

I miss seeing my clients. I miss having them come into my office and getting to know them on a personal level. I’m saddened they are leery of leaving their homes due to a virus that they can’t see or feel. But I’m heartened that we now have the option of telelaw that allows us to address all our clients legal issues… remotely!

So, what is telelaw? Simply put, it is the remote practice of law using the latest audio and visual technology such as Zoom. It allows us to provide virtual assistance and hold meetings right from our computer to yours! Clients won’t have to travel to our office, they won’t have to worry about social distancing, and they will still be able to get all their legal issues taken care. Have questions about estate planning, or need changes to your will? Not a problem! Evergreen Elder Law will connect with you over Zoom and get work done. We’ll be glad to provide you with instructions and make sure you are ready for your “virtual meeting”.

I am curious what the rest of my peers think about telelaw. I think telelaw will continue after the pandemic comes to an end. Zoom is already being used in our courtrooms for non-emergency matters. Texas recently had a jury trial that successfully used Zoom. But, will it take the place of in-person meetings? Will telelaw eventually take over or will it merely remain an option?

I’d love to hear other opinions about the use of telelaw – so, please comment if you have a moment or two.

While Telelaw does offer an alternative to in-person meetings, it will always be missing one important thing.

A virtual hug just can’t men up for the real thing.

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