Friendly Elder Law & Estate Planning Services

Estate Planning

Up and Personal with Telelaw

By Holland McBurns, Managing Partner, Evergreen Elder Law

Remember not so long ago when “up and personal” meant a hug or handshake? When getting together didn’t require a mask? When sitting in my office care meant we could sit at a table together and not worry about our health and passing germs?

I miss seeing my clients. I miss having them come into my office and getting to know them on a personal level. I’m saddened they are leery of leaving their homes due to a virus that they can’t see or feel. But I’m heartened that we now have the option …

How to Avoid Probate in Idaho

The process of estate planning is not only about managing your property and assets. A big part of estate planning includes preparing for worst-case scenarios by creating plans to avoid unnecessary costs or losses and to protect yourself or your loved ones. The right estate planning can help you maximize your legacy and take advantage of best-case scenarios. Making sure that you avoid probate is a good place to start.

For many, the prospect of probate — the legal process of recognizing a will and appointing an executor to administer the estate — can cause anxiety as court proceedings can be …

May 11th, 2022|Estate Planning, Probate|

Power of Attorney in Washington State: What You Need to Know

Deciding to set up an estate plan can be difficult, however, peace of mind can be priceless. An Estate planning package can include a will & trust that appoints guardians for your children, estate administrators, charitable giving, and asset protection. Making these important decisions if often less onerous when you work with skilled and compassionate elder law lawyers who understand the emotional complexity inherent to these decisions and the applicable Washington State laws.

We all face uncertainty; it’s the nature of living. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on family and financial security has illuminated the urgent need to consider estate …

October 13th, 2021|Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts|

Everything You Need to Know About Estate Planning in Idaho

Death, while inevitable, is not something most people enjoy thinking about. That is why so many people avoid creating an estate plan. But ignoring the reality of life and death does not make either go away – it just complicates matters.

Regardless of one’s current age or health status, an estate plan is necessary for any person who has dependents, owns property, has savings or investments, or owns a business. A well-crafted estate plan protects your heirs and loved ones in the event of a crisis or death. It can also protect your legacy to ensure that your wishes are followed …

September 2nd, 2021|Estate Planning|

Total Guide to Estate Planning in Washington State

America’s nickname is The Land of Opportunity, a place where anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve their goals, including amassing material wealth – money, real estate, personal property and any other assets. But what happens to those assets – your estate – when you pass away?

Talking about this topic can be difficult, but important. However, in order to protect your legacy and make sure your wishes are fulfilled, planning what happens after you’re gone is crucial.

What does “Estate Planning” mean?

Estate planning is establishing a formal, legal plan in the event of a …

July 23rd, 2021|Estate Planning|

Estate Planning 2021: What’s In Store?

Estate Planning 2021 Eastern Washington

By Holland McBurns, Managing Partner, Evergreen Elder Law

Many of my clients are wondering what 2021 has in store for them with the changing of the guard at the White House. It’s no surprise that President Joe Biden is planning on making changes to the tax code. Could this impact your estate, gift taxes, and income taxes? Possibly.

From what I have been reading, planning concerns are for very wealthy individuals and couples – the Top 1%. Those who are worth less than, let’s say $5 million, may not …

January 26th, 2021|Estate Planning|

Fame, Fortune & Dying Without a Will

I was saddened to hear of the recent loss of Tony Hsieh, retired CEO of Zappos.  Under Mr. Hsieh’s leadership, Zappos went from $1.6M in revenue in 2000 to $1B in revenue in 2009.  It brought him fame and fortune. That fortune being $850M at the time of his death.

What really struck me as I read the news about him was the comment that Tony Hsieh passed away without having a will in place.  As any attorney that practices Elder Law, we know this happens frequently. People often die without a will in place, though, not usually at …

December 21st, 2020|Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts|

Up and Personal with Telelaw

By Holland McBurns, Managing Partner, Evergreen Elder Law

Remember not so long ago when “up and personal” meant a hug or handshake? When getting together didn’t require a mask? When sitting in my office care meant we could sit at a table together and not worry about our health and passing germs?

I miss seeing my clients. I miss having them come into my office and getting to know them on a personal level. I’m saddened they are leery of leaving their homes due to a virus that they can’t see or feel. But I’m heartened that we now have the option …

Yes, Yes, Yes! Everyone Needs Health Care Directive

By Holland McBurns, Managing Partner, Evergreen Elder Law

Who knew that 2020 was going to be a year where our health was going to be at the forefront of a global pandemic. People waiting in long lines to be tested for a virus. Having your temperature taken to have a meal at a restaurant. Oh, and at the restaurant, being seated 6 feet apart! And don’t forget your mask. Yet, while we practice social distancing (including at our office by offering telelaw), wear a mask, wash our hands a zillion times a day, we don’t plan for actually contracting the …

July 8th, 2020|Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts|


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Wills and Trusts


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The Evergreen Elder Law Team

Evergreen Elder Law is committed to helping you create comprehensive legal, financial, and physical security for you and your loved ones. Serving the Spokane, Tri Cities and Coeur d’Alene regions, we have the knowledge, compassion and professionalism to guide you in planning for the future, giving you peace of mind as you or a loved one makes important decisions for your family and future.

Let us provide you with a free 60-minute consultation. We are available throughout the week by phone and e-mail. Contact us now to set up the initial consultation, and we will make meeting with us easy. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to come up with the best plan to meet your needs. We are available in-person or via tele-conference.

Do you need support with Estate Planning & Elder Law?

Our attorneys at Evergreen Elder Law are ready to stand by you over the long term and work hard to protect your interests. Contact us to get started!